Meaning of LAURENCE name, What is LAURENCE? Origin of LAURENCE, Acrostic Poem, name in the Bible/Torah/Quran? Name Meaning, Analysis, Characteristics, History and other details;
- 1 LAURENCE Name Meaning
- 2 Origin of LAURENCE Name
- 3 Gender of LAURENCE
- 4 Analysis of LAURENCE
- 5 LAURENCE Name Statistics
- 6 What is the Numerology of LAURENCE?
- 7 Characteristics of LAURENCE
- 8 Acrostic Poem About LAURENCE
- 9 Is there LAURENCE name in the Bible/Torah/Quran?
- 10 Famous People Named LAURENCE
- 11 Is LAURENCE name fit for baby name ?
- 12 LAURENCE Names in Other Languages
LAURENCE Name Meaning
What Does LAURENCE Mean ? From the Roman cognomen Laurentius, which meant “from Laurentum”. Laurentum was a city in ancient Italy, its name probably deriving from Latin laurus “laurel”. Saint Laurence was a 3rd-century deacon and martyr from Rome. According to tradition he was roasted alive on a gridiron because, when ordered to hand over the church’s treasures, he presented the sick and poor. Due to the saint’s popularity, the name came into general use in the Christian world (in various spellings).
In the Middle Ages this name was common in England, partly because of a second saint by this name, a 7th-century archbishop of Canterbury. Likewise it has been common in Ireland due to the 12th-century Saint Laurence O’Toole (whose real name was Lorcán). Since the 19th century the spelling Lawrence has been more common, especially in America. A famous bearer was the British actor Laurence Olivier (1907-1989).
Origin of LAURENCE Name
Gender of LAURENCE
Analysis of LAURENCE
Analysis of name Lucky , Trustworthy , Skilful , Insightful , Humble , Detection High , Trustworthy , Loyal
LAURENCE Name Statistics
- Pronounced : LAWR-ənts
- Color of LAURENCE name: Blue
- Number of letters of LAURENCE: 8
- Variants : Lawrence, Lauren
Letter Analysis:
L : Witty
A : Delicate
U : Discreet
R : Somber in Business
E : Attractive
N : Energetic
C : Bright
E : Attractive
What is the Numerology of LAURENCE?
Numerology offers a knowledge into the identity by allocating numeric esteems to the letters contained in names. The outcomes give the concealed importance of the name. Each letter contained in the name is doled out a number. Each number is related with particular attributes.
L : 12
A : 1
U : 21
R : 18
E : 5
N : 14
C : 3
E : 5
Total = 79
Characteristics of LAURENCE
LAURENCE Numerology Analysis; Zany , Moral , Logical , Insightful , Helpful , Rich and Humble , Bright
Acrostic Poem About LAURENCE
Likeable, instantly pleasing
Authenticity, with which you lead life
Unflappable, nothing keeps you down
Relaxing, you put people at ease
Enthusiastic, ever encouraging
Nice, a sweet soul
Competent, delivering good results
Enthusiastic, ever encouraging
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Is there LAURENCE name in the Bible/Torah/Quran?
LAURENCE hasn’t been found in the Bible/Torah/Quran
Spelling Alphabet
NATO | U.S. States | Countries |
Lima Alpha Tango Romeo Echo November Charlie Echo | Louisiana Arizona Utah Rhode Island – New York Colorado – | Lebanon Argentina Ukraine Russia England Norway Czech Republic England |
Famous People Named LAURENCE
Hasn’t added for LAURENCE.
Is LAURENCE name fit for baby name ?
Meaning of LAURENCE, Origin of LAURENCE and Gender of LAURENCE ,LAURENCE is fit name.
LAURENCE Names in Other Languages
Laurentius (Ancient Roman), Llorenç (Catalan), Lovre, Lovrenco, Lovro (Croatian), Vavřinec (Czech), Lars, Lorens, Lasse, Laurits, Lauritz (Danish), Lars, Laurens, Lourens, Lau, Rens (Dutch), Lars, Lari, Lasse, Lassi, Lauri (Finnish), Laurent, Enzo (French), Lourens (Frisian), Lars, Laurenz, Lorenz, Lenz (German), Lavrentios (Greek), Lőrinc (Hungarian), Lárus (Icelandic), Labhrás (Irish), Lorenzo, Enzo, Loris, Renzo (Italian), Lau, Lor (Limburgish), Laurynas (Lithuanian), Larkin, Law (Medieval English), Lars (Medieval Scandinavian), Lorencio (Medieval Spanish), Lars, Lorens, Lasse, Laurits, Lauritz (Norwegian), Wawrzyniec (Polish), Lourenço (Portuguese), Laurențiu (Romanian), Lavrenti, Lavrentiy, Lavrenty (Russian), Labhrainn (Scottish), Vavrinec (Slovak), Lovrenc, Lovro (Slovene), Lorenzo (Spanish), Lars, Lorens, Lasse (Swedish)